

School Sports

The school participates in a range of sports and we rely on parental support and help with both coaching and transport.
Apart from t-ball (Year 3 and 4) most sports are geared for Year 4 – 6 children

Inter-school softball and T-ball

After school teams are organised in term four. Caregivers are most welcome to come and support their children. Practices are held at lunchtimes.

Inter-school Netball

Organised for the senior children and help is needed with transport for away games. Games are played once a week during the week at 3.30pm in the second term.

Inter-school Hockey

Organised for the senior children. Games are played once a week after school in the third term. Parent support and transport is encouraged.


All children take part in Swimming in Terms 1 and Term 4 during the warmer months. Swimming is part of the New Zealand curriculum and is a requirement.


Term 3


This is offered in Term 1 and 4.