Behaviour, Complaints and Concerns
Children who misbehave are placed on “Step 1” which may involve an apology and a reminder about correct behaviour.
“Step 2” involves “Step 1” and includes “Time Out”; ”
Step 3″ is for repeated misbehaviour. A child involved in hurtful physical misbehaviour will be placed directly on Step 2. Caregivers of children on Step 2 will be advised of their child’s misbehaviour.
The Steps list starts afresh each week. While mainly directed at playground behaviour a similar programme is run in classrooms.
In addition the school maintains a CBG (Caught Being Good) programme. Duty teachers issue certificates to children for good behaviour and these are placed in a draw at assemblies.
Complaints | Concerns
From time to time you may have a concern about a matter to do with the school, staff, programmes etc. and you may be unsure what steps to take to resolve your complaint.
The school has the following procedure in place to help with these situations and to deal with at its lowest level. You should arrange to speak to:
The teacher concerned | If you are still concerned…
- The syndicate leader | If you are still concerned…
The Principal | If there are still concerns write your complaint to the…..
Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, Te Awa School, Te Awa Ave, Napier
The school follows a behaviour management system known as “Steps”
Privacy Act
This school complies with the Privacy Act 1993 and subsequent amendments. For the purposes of teaching and learning, the prime function of our school, it is necessary to collect information to assess programme effectiveness and learning outcomes.
This information is used when reporting to parents, the Board of Trustees, and as evidence to outside bodies that we comply with the various legal requirements which apply to schools.
Where a child’s needs indicate other assistance is required caregiver consent will be sought.