Kia Ora, Talofa Lava and Welcome to Te Awa School
Te Awa School encourages children to respect themselves, others and the environment and develop positive attitudes to learning. We break down the barriers to learning and strive to provide equal opportunities for our children. Combined with a proactive staff, Board of trustees and community. Our Vision for our students of the future is to be K.E.E.N Learners. To be Knowledgeable Learners, Enthusiastic Learners, Striving for Excellence and Nurturing. This KEEN attitude has paid off and is reflected in our National Standard scores above 86% in reading, writing and Maths. There is more to education than academic achievement alone which is why the nurturing environment stresses social skills training, treating each children as an individual and empowering them to be imaginative and creative. The environment is one where children are encouraged to say “I Can” instead of “But”.