General Information
The safety of the children in our care is always a priority
As a safety issue the school needs to be informed when children are away. The earlier you can advise the school of an absence the better for it saves us the time consuming task of ringing caregivers to find out a child’s whereabouts.
The school has a dedicated line for absences which means you can leave a message at any time advising us of a child’s non-attendance. Messages can also be texted to our school cell phone. The number is 027 4475901.
Caregivers must inform a staff member if they remove their child or children during the day. If a child should go missing during school time without explanation, caregivers will be called, and if unable to be contacted, the police will be advised.
Whole school assemblies are held on Friday’s at 9am outside if weather is permitting or in the school hall. Caregivers are welcome to attend.
Special assemblies are advised through the school newsletter.
Once enrolled children are legally required to attend school each day the school is open, unless a genuine reason prevents them from doing so. Occasionally a child’s poor attendance causes concern and the principal will approach caregivers to find out the cause of the infrequent attendance and what action could improve the situation.
Once children have arrived at school for the day, they must not leave the school grounds under any circumstances without the permission of their teacher or the duty teacher.
Cyclists, as required by law, must wear helmets
We always welcome whānau help, below are a few ways you might want to consider helping your kura.
Publishing children’s work at school or home
Coming to interviews so that we may work together for the benefit of your child
Helping with the Maori Culture Group
Transport – newsletters advise occasions for this
Participating with Home and School activities
Helping with crossing duty morning and/or afternoon
Helping with a variety of work in classes
Hearing children read
Class Trips and Visits
On occasions, as part of school programmes, caregivers are called upon to assist with supervision and/or transport for visits outside the classroom. Our policies require each child to be fully seat belted. The school also requires vehicles that are used to be fully warranted, registered and in all ways roadworthy and safe.
For safety purpose the school adheres to strict caregiver/pupil ratios. Should not enough help be available, trips or visits may be postponed or cancelled.
Drivers must not smoke while transporting pupils.
Please try to ensure all clothing is named as we often get large amounts of unclaimed lost property. This is housed at the lost property shed at the front of the school and this is open to the public at all times.
Children need to be dressed in correct school uniform and appropriately for the weather ie warm clothing and shoes in winter and lighter clothing in summer.
All children are expected to do some homework, this could be reading to an adult or sibling or being read too.
Messages to School
The best time to leave messages with the school is during school hours but an answer phone operates for after hours use. Messages can also be made to the school cell phone 027 4475901 .
Messages for children need to be of an urgent nature. Children are not permitted to ring home for minor matters eg “May I play with so and so after school today?” To contact teachers, it is sometimes best to give a number and time for a call back unless the matter is urgent.
Reporting To Caregivers
Parents –Teacher evening is held in term 3 each year allowing parents and caregivers the opportunity to discuss learning goals for their child and ways they can help at home for children to meet their learning goals. In addition staff are available to meet caregivers before and after school when necessary.
Playground Supervision
Teachers are rostered for before and after school duty as well as recess duty each day. A teacher supervises the Chambers Street crossing from 8.30am – 8.45am and from 2.45pm – 3.00pm.
School Rules
These are kept to a minimum and all focus on the positive:
- Knowledgeable
- Enthusiastic
- Empathetic
- Nurturing
Being a Te Awa Kid (TAK) means that you are always Keen and always know what is expected of you
Sun Protection
The school has adopted a Safe Sun Practice policy. It requires pupils to wear a hat outside during school hours in the 1st and 4th terms of the year, when the danger from the sun’s rays is greatest. Each child is issued with their own hat and if it becomes misplaced they will be directed to play in the school’s shade area.
Special Abilities
The school has in place programmes for accelerant children. We believe children with special abilities need extension and this is a focus of our school.
Special Needs
We are fortunate to be able to call on specialist teachers for Reading Assistance for some children. Others benefit from the help of Itinerant Teachers of Special Needs.
Please discourage children from bringing valuable items or toys to school. Money or phones meant for after school use should be given to the office for safekeeping.
Use of School Grounds and Buildings
The School Hall is available for hire. Enquiries may be made through the school office or face book messanger. The Board of Trustees controls the use of the facilities.
Caregivers and the wider community are asked to keep a watchful eye on the school grounds and buildings. Any suspicious activity should be reported to the police.
Wet Days
There is no change to school hours on wet days.